Friday, March 15, 2013

Why oh Why do cells mutate?  hmmmmm million dollar question, and since I'm not a scientist I will have to give my mommy opinion, I should have eaten those vegetables I guess.  A call from the gynecologist office today is never a good thing when you were just there.  So mutating cells in my brain and my cervix,  can you ask for a "do over" at 41 years old?....No?  Geesh, well then, I will just have to deal with this too.  My OBGYN said last week, "now don't forget to get your mammogram done too, every year at your age"  YOUR AGE?  seriously?  Now don't get me wrong I am all for mammograms I've know people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40.  But I'm starting to freak out a bit on the cell mutation and think maybe I want to avoid the boob squishing machine simply because I afraid that they too are jumping on the cell mutation train.

So what better to do on a snowy day in Nova Scotia that involved WAY to much thinking? ... Eat soup, because a glass of wine would make sense and would be great but still too many meds from Bubblegum and soup it is!!!!

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