Thursday, July 31, 2014

It's The Natural Kind of Disapointment

Ok I realize it's been a while since I've posted anything.  I know when people start to send me Facebook messages or actually use the telephone to call, it's time to write.  I was very excited in my last post to be seeing a Neurologist and a Naturopath Dr, and that excitement is still there, things have just changed course.

My medications, my Neurologist has a theory about the meds I was on for two years and thinks it's best to take me off of them over a course of 6 weeks and put me on a new drug.  My body is not happy right now and has basically caused me to go into hiding. My vision is off, my balance is off, migraines have returned, my trigeminal neuralgia is back in it's original electrifying form.  I'm sleeping all the time and I swear my head has changed shape.  All this being said,  my well thought out natural approach to brain tumour eviction (turmeric) has been put on hold due to the med change.  We can't introduce too many things at one time.  I get that, and agree, it's just another waiting game.

So I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I'm just trying to keep my feet planted and my head clear as I had no idea that changing medications could have that much affect on a person.  I'm truly trying to just keep it together.  At the end of the day, I still have a brain tumour, there are days when that statement is harder on the head then others.

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